617+ A. Philip Randolph Quotes And Sayings To Ignite Your Inner Fire (Images)

Discover a treasury of wisdom and empowerment through the eloquent words of A. Philip Randolph.

His quotes resonate like guiding stars, illuminating paths to equality, justice, and human dignity.

With each phrase, Randolph’s positivity and hope shine brightly, reminding us of the transformative power within us all.

These quotes are not mere words; they are beacons of light that inspire us to create a better world and embrace the boundless potential of unity and progress.

A. Philip Randolph Famous Quotes

  • Salvation for a race, country, or class must originate inside. 

  • “Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.”

  • “Maybe the most any of us can expect of ourselves isn’t perfection but progress.”

  • “The essence of trade unionism is social uplift.”

  • “Without equality, we cannot have liberty.”

  • “Give me equality or give me death.”

  • “When we are unemployed, we are in the grip of unorganized labor.”

  • “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

  • “Justice is never given; it is exacted.”

  • “Coalitions are made up of people, and when they get tired of waiting for things to happen, they make them happen.”
  • We should create colossal exhibits in light of the fact that the world is utilized to large sensational undertakings. 

  • In each reality, the recipients of a framework can’t be relied upon to annihilate it 

  • If that somebody attempts to deny you of your privileges, you must oppose it. You must dislike it. You must battle against it.

  • I have an internal fulfillment of having done what I thought was directly at the time, which I thought was favorable.

  • If we have white people in March, we are sure to experience difficulty with the Communists, and it may not be seen as a genuine articulation of the Negro’s dissent 
  • Debs is more prominent than Lincoln. Debs is the representative of the incredible battling common laborers, everything being equal, nationalities, beliefs, genders 

  • Lincoln simply ostensibly liberated the collections of Negroes. Be that as it may, Debs would free the bodies and psyches of Negroes 

  • Enthusiasm has no intrigue to us; equity has. Gathering has no weight with us; standard has. Unwaveringness is insignificant; it relies upon what one is faithful to 

  • I for one, vow myself to transparently insight, help, and abet youth, both highly contrasting, to isolate any Jim Crow enrollment framework 

  • Negroes are in no disposition to bear weapons for vote based system abroad while they are denied popular government here at home 

  • I am set up to restrict a Jim Crow armed force till I decay in prison 

  • Equity is rarely given; it is claimed 

  • Opportunity is rarely conceded; it is won
  • The pith of exchange unionism is social elevate. The work development has been the asylum for the confiscated, the scorned; the disregarded, the oppressed, poor people 

  • Make wars unfruitful, and you make them incomprehensible 

  • Force is the bloom of association. 

  • Salvation for a race, country or class must originate from inside. Opportunity is rarely allowed; it is won. Equity is rarely given; it is claimed. 

  • Nothing tallies except for pressure, pressure, more weight, and still more weight through expansive composed forceful mass activity 
  • Winning Democracy for the Negro is winning the war for Democracy. 

A. Philip Randolph Sayings

“Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.”

“Maybe the most any of us can expect of ourselves isn’t perfection but progress.”

“The essence of trade unionism is social uplift.”

“Without equality, we cannot have liberty.”

“Give me equality or give me death.”

“When we are unemployed, we are in the grip of unorganized labor.”

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

“Justice is never given; it is exacted.”

“Coalitions are made up of people, and when they get tired of waiting for things to happen, they make them happen.”

A Philip Randolph Quotes

“Freedom is never given; it is won.”

“The years of silence are past. The years of apathy have passed.”

“Leaders are not created in a vacuum; they are molded by the times.”

“The objectives of the movement for which we have called are in reality the essence of the American dream.”

“In every truth, the beneficiaries of a system cannot be expected to destroy it.”

“I don’t mind being called a radical, a rebel, an outsider, even a ‘Red,’ but I am not one of those ideologues who preach that nothing can be done without bloodshed.”

“No race can prosper until it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.”

“The Negro was the only group in America that was freed from physical slavery. None of us was ever freed from psychological slavery.”

“Salvation for a race, nation, or class must come from within.”

“The church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.”

“Negroes were not excluded from industry, but they were systematically restricted to the least skilled, lowest-paying jobs.”

“We are organizing the Fourth of July celebration in the Capitol Square. This feat alone will compel legislators to make provision for seats for blacks.”

“A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.”

“If the white man gives you anything – just remember when he gets ready he will take it right back. We have to take for ourselves.”

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