132+ Great November Puns To Laugh All Month Long!

Welcome to No Joke-vember, the month where puns fall like leaves and laughter keeps you warm! We’ve gathered a bountiful harvest of hilarious November puns that are sure to tickle your funny bone and spice up your autumn🍁 days.

Get ready to feast on the funniest November puns that’ll have you laughing😂 all the way to Thanksgiving!

November📅 is again well known to all of us; it is the eleventh month of the year that comes after October.  Mentioned below are some best November puns, which you can actually always use. 

Funny November Puns

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of movie in November?
A: Anything with “gobble” stars.

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert in November?
A: Peach “gobbler.”

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of dance in November?
A: The “straw-p.”
My Experience: Reminds me of the time we had a scarecrow in our backyard, and my little cousin insisted on doing the ‘straw-p’ dance with it every November. It became our quirky family tradition!

Q: Why was the calendar always on time in November?
Because it had its dates in order!

Q: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving in November?
A: Lucky!

Best November Puns

Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award in November?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q: What do you call a group of musical whales in November?
A: A “November-chestra.”

Fall-ing for November vibes 🍁
In November, the leaves fall, and so do my excuses for not enjoying the cozy vibes of autumn!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a vampire in November?
A: A “gobble-ghoul.”

Q: Why was the math book sad in November?
A: Because it had too many problems.

Q: Why did the turkey bring a computer to the Thanksgiving dinner in November?
A: It wanted to have a byte!

Amazing November Puns

Q: Why did the football team go to the bank in November?
A: To get their quarterback!

Q: What do you call a potato that’s always interrupting in November?
A: A “commentater.”

Have A November Pun Of Your Own? Share In The Comments! Especially Like This 🤣
Q: What did the tree say to the wind in November?
A: “You leaf me breathless.”

Q: What do you call a lazy kangaroo in November?
A: A “pouch potato.”

Q: What did the blanket say to the bed in November?
A: “I’ve got you covered.”

Wonderfull November Puns

Q: What do you call a talking vegetable in November?
A: A “commentater.”

Q: Why did the turkey go to the doctor in November?
A: Because it had a “fowl” cold!

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit in November?
A: Straw-berries!
Pro Experience: I once caught my neighbor’s kids dressing up their scarecrow with fake ‘Straw-berries’ in November. They found a way to blend harvest vibes with a bit of humor – quite the creative bunch!” 🍓

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs in November?
A: “Ground beef.”

Q: Why did the football team go to the bank in November?
A: To get their quarterback!

Funny November Puns

Q: What did the corn say to the butter in November?
A: “You make everything butter.”

Q: What do you call a pumpkin that’s carved with a smile in November?
A: “Happy gourd.”

Q: Why was the turkey at the comedy club in November?
A: It wanted to work on its stand-up routine!

Thankful feathers of November 🦃
November teaches us to count our blessings, just like a turkey counting its feathers of gratitude.

Q: What’s a snowman’s favorite dessert in November?
A: “Ice cream.”

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth in November?
A: A “gummy” bear.

Silly November Puns

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the November party alone?
A: Because he had no body to go with him.

Q: What do you call a squirrel in November?
A: A “nut collector.”

Q: Why was the math book sad in November?
A: Because it had too many problems.

Got An November Pun? Drop Your Comments! Especially Like This 🤣
Q: What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit in November?
A: A “blood” orange.

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth in November?
A: A “gummy” bear.

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music in November?
A: Straw-coustic!

Hilarious November Puns

Q: Why was the calendar always on time in November?
A: Because it had its dates in order!

Q: What do you call a parade of rabbits hopping backward in November?
A: A receding “hare”-line.

Q: What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport in November?
A: Squash.

Q: What do you call a group of musical whales in November?
A: A “November-chestra.”
Sigma Experience: Last November, I stumbled upon a video of whales creating enchanting underwater melodies. Couldn’t help but call it a ‘November-chestra.’ Nature’s symphony never fails to amaze!”🐋

Q: Why did the broom get a promotion in November?
A: Because it swept the competition away!

Q: What did one autumn leaf say to another in November?
A: “I’m falling for you!”

Entertaining November Puns

Q: What do you call a bee that produces milk in November?
A: A “boobee.”

Q: Why did the turkey go to school in November?
A: To get “stuffed” with knowledge!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of music in November?
A: Heavy “gobble”-in’!

November, the month of changing leaves and unBEleafable colors 🍂
As the trees change their wardrobe, November turns the world into a runway of unBEleafable beauty.

Q: What do you call a turkey with a musical talent in November?
A: A “rock” star.

Q: Why did the scarecrow become a successful motivational speaker in November?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q: What did the turkey say to the computer in November?
A: “Google, Google, Google.”

Engaging November Puns

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite game in November?
A: Beak-erball!

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull in November?
A: A “bull-dozer.”

Q: What do you call a turkey with an attitude in November?
A: A “snappy gobble.”

Harvesting a Bounty of Laughs! Share Your Corny Jokes Here!
Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit in November?
A: Straw-berries!

Q: Why did the turkey bring a computer to the Thanksgiving dinner in November?
A: It wanted to have a byte!

Q: What do you call a potato that’s always interrupting in November?
A: A “commentater.”

Laughable November Puns

Q: What do you call a lazy kangaroo in November?
A: A “pouch potato.”

Q: What did the tree say to the wind in November?
A: “You leaf me breathless.”

Q: What did the blanket say to the bed in November?
A: “I’ve got you covered.”

Q: Why was the calendar always on time in November?
A: Because it had its dates in order!
Ultra Pro Experience: I once had a friend who was known for being super organized. She joked that her calendar was always on time in November because, well, it had its ‘dates’ in perfect order. A planner’s dream, really! 📅⏰

Q: What do you call a talking vegetable in November?
A: A “commentater.”

Q: Why did the turkey go to the doctor in November?
A: Because it had a “fowl” cold!

Jolly November Puns

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs in November?
A: “Ground beef.”

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit in November?
A: Straw-berries!

Q: Why did the football team go to the bank in November?
A: To get their quarterback!

Fall-ing into November like a pile of leaves 🍁
November welcomes us with open arms, much like a giant pile of leaves waiting to be jumped into.

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of dance in November?
A: The “straw-p.”

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth in November?
A: A “gummy” bear.

Q: What did the corn say to the butter in November?
A: “You make everything butter.”

Quirky November Puns

Q: What do you call a pumpkin that’s carved with a smile in November?
A: “Happy gourd.”

Q: Why was the turkey at the comedy club in November?
A: It wanted to work on its stand-up routine!

Q: What did the salad say to the celery in November?
A: “Lettuce romaine

Sprinkle your November wit like falling leaves! Comment your puns below and let the laughter autumn-atically begin!
Q: What’s a snowman’s favorite dessert in November?
A: “Ice cream.”

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit in November?
A: Straw-berries!

Q: Why did the calendar go to therapy in November?
A: It had too many dates.

Ridiculous November Puns

Q: What do you call a turkey with a musical talent in November?
A: A “rock” star.

Q: Why did the turkey bring a computer to the Thanksgiving dinner in November?
A: It wanted to have a byte!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite game in November?
A: Beak-erball!

Q: What do you call a lazy kangaroo in November?
A: A “pouch potato.”
legendary Experience: “I remember seeing a kangaroo lazing around at the zoo last November, and my little sister giggled, calling it a ‘pouch potato.’ It’s amazing how kids come up with the funniest names!” 🦘

Q: What did the tree say to the wind in November?
A: “You leaf me breathless.”

Q: What did the blanket say to the bed in November?
A: “I’ve got you covered.”

Funniness November Puns

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of dance in November?
A: The “straw-p.”

Q: What do you call a cornfield’s favorite music genre in November?
A: Stalk and roll.

Q: Why did the pumpkin pie go to school in November?
A: It wanted to be a little “slice” of genius!

Harvesting smiles in November 🌾
As the crops are harvested, let’s also gather plenty of smiles and joy in the fields of November.

Q: What do you call a pilgrim’s vocabulary in November?
A: Turkey-terminology.

Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite type of pie in November?
A: Boooooo-berry pie!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of humor in November?
A: Gobble-ty.

Funny  November Puns

Q: Why did the cranberry turn red in November?
A: Because it saw the turkey dressing!

Get ready to fall for these November puns! 🍂 Share your leaf-arious comments and make us autumn in laughter! 😄
Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been marinated in soda in November?
A: Pop-sicle.

Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award in November?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of math in November?
A: Geometry, because it’s all about “corn”-ers.

Exploring “November puns” has been a cozy journey! Did these puns warm your heart or bring a smile to your face like a cozy sweater? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Your feedback keeps the November humor flowing like falling leaves! 🍂

November Puns

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