131+ Best Thanksgiving Puns That’ll Stuff Your Day With Laughter!

Thanksgiving🦃 puns are like a warm, cozy hug for the soul. As the holiday approaches, they bring a delightful sense of camaraderie, filling the air with laughter and joy.

From “gravy-ous” wordplay to “cranberry” cleverness, these puns add an extra layer of gratitude to your celebration.

So, gather around the table, share a pun or two, and savor the sweet moments of togetherness that make Thanksgiving truly special.

Puns can be a great way of bringing out laughter😂 in people with a little different style. Here are some puns that can be used on Thanksgiving. 

Funny Thanksgiving Puns

Q: What did the turkey say to the computer on Thanksgiving?
A: “Google, Google, Google.”

Q: What’s the turkey’s favorite type of music?
A: “Gravy” rock!

Q: Why did the cranberry sauce turn red?
A: Because it saw the turkey dressing!

Funny Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What did the mashed potatoes say to the turkey?
A: “You’re un-fry-gettable!”

Q: How do you make a turkey float?
A: You use “cranberry bubbles!”

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
A: “Peach gobbler!”
My Experience: Reminds me of a Thanksgiving dinner where my grandmother decided to try a new dessert recipe. She proudly presented her creation—a warm peach cobbler topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. 🍑🦃🥧😄

Q: How do you fix a broken pumpkin pie?
A: With a pumpkin “patch” kit!

Q: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?
A: Lucky!

Q: What happened to the turkey at the talent show?
A: It “gobbled” up all the applause!

Hilarious Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: Why did the scarecrow become a successful comedian?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q: What do you call a turkey with an attitude?
A: “Poultry” in motion!

Q: What’s a pilgrim’s favorite type of music?
A: “Plymouth” Rock!

Grateful Gatherings🍗🎉
Feast on fun and thankfulness with grateful gatherings, celebrating the blessings of friendship and family. Your appreciation for life’s abundance, like a bountiful Thanksgiving table, will nourish the soul and bring joy to all who gather.

Q: How did the turkey chef improve his famous recipe?
A: He added a “pinch” of confidence!

Q: What do you get if you cross a turkey with an octopus?
A: Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s got no manners?
A: A “poultry” excuse for a dinner guest!

Incredible Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: Why did the turkey go to the dentist?
A: To get a “stuffing” fix!

Q: What do you call a turkey with a guitar?
A: A “jive turkey!”

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dance move?
A: The “turkey trot!”

Have A Thanksgiving Pun Of Your Own? Share In The Comments! Especially Like This 🤣
Q: What do you call a turkey that’s good at math?
A: A “square root.”

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s feeling thankful?
A: “Grate-ful!”

Q: How do you keep a turkey in suspense?
A: “I’ll tell you after Thanksgiving.”

Goofy Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What’s a turkey’s least favorite month?
A: “Roost-uary.”

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with an evil spirit?
A: A poultry-geist!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert on Thanksgiving?
A: “Pecan pie” on you!
Pro Experience: It reminds me of a Thanksgiving gathering with my extended family where we indulged in a variety of delicious desserts after the hearty meal.🥧🦃😄

Q: Why did the cranberry turn on the TV during Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Because it wanted to see the “cranberry sauce”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been acting up?
A: “Fowl” play!

Q: Why did the cranberry sauce go to therapy?
A: It had issues with “compote-tion.”

Amusing Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of investment?
A: “Stock” market!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been working out?
A: A “buffet” turkey!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite game on Thanksgiving?
A: “Hide and “beak”!

Harvest of Happiness 🌽🌟
Reap rewards with Thanksgiving cheer, embracing the abundance of blessings that surround you. Your gratitude and optimism, like a fruitful harvest, will enrich your life and fill your heart with joy.

Q: Why did the turkey sit at the computer all day?
A: Because it wanted to “gobble” up information!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite movie on Thanksgiving?
A: “The Good, the Bad, and the Gravy.”

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s in a rock band?
A: A “drumstick” player!

Silly Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What do you call a turkey who’s a sore loser?
A: “Fowl” play!

Q: What did the turkey say to the hunter on Thanksgiving?
A: “Quack, quack!”

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert after Thanksgiving dinner?
A: “Cobbler” pie!

Got A Thanksgiving Pun? Drop Your Comments! Especially Like This 🤣
Q: What do you call a turkey that’s on the run?
A: Fast food!

Q: Why did the turkey bring a broom to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: To “sweep” up the compliments!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been bad all year?
A: “Fowl”-mouthed!

Childish Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s good at baseball?
A: A “turkey” catcher!

Q: What do you call a turkey with an evil twin?
A: A “double-gobbler.”

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of clothing?
A: “Dark meat” suits!
Sigma Experience: Reminds me of a Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt’s house where we decided to have a turkey-themed costume party. As we planned our outfits, my cousin showed up wearing a suit with turkey feathers patterned on it.🦃👔😄

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s full of itself?
A: “Stuffing”!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a vampire?
A: A “poultry-geist”!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a detective?
A: An “investi-gator”!

Amazing Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of weather?
A: “Fowl” weather!

Q: What do you call a turkey with an MBA?
A: A “gobble”-degook!

Q: Why did the turkey sit in the middle of the road?
A: Because it wanted to get to the “other side” dish!

Turkey Triumphs 🦃🌟
Gobble up gratitude with glee, relishing the joys of Thanksgiving with every bite. Your appreciation for life’s blessings, like a turkey on the feast table, will make the celebration truly special and memorable.

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s a sore loser?
A: “Gobble”-tious!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s always causing trouble?
A: A “turkey-rrorist”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been on a diet?
A: “Lean” meat!

Best Thanksgiving Puns For Kids

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of book?
A: “Poultry” in motion!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s been working out at the gym?
A: “Buffet”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s a successful musician?
A: A “turkey” player!

Do You Have This Kind Of One? Share With Us! 😊
Q: Why did the turkey apply for a job at the bakery?
A: Because it wanted to “roll” in dough!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s a famous actor?
A: A “gobble” celebrity!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of music?
A: “Rock” and roll!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s a famous detective?
A: Sherlock “Holmes”!

Q: Why did the turkey bring a ladder to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Because it wanted to “climb” to new heights of deliciousness!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s always telling jokes?
A: A “comedi-hen”!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of movie?
A: “Gobble”-busters!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s a fashion model?
A: A “feather” icon!
Ultra Pro Experience: I once had a Thanksgiving dinner where we decided to have a bit of fun with our turkey-themed decorations. As we set the table, my sister placed a small toy turkey figurine in the center, adorned with a miniature scarf and sunglasses.🦃🕶️😄

Q: Why did the turkey become a stand-up comedian?
A: Because it had a great sense of “humor”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s always invited to parties?
A: The “life of the poultry”!

Q: Why did the turkey go to therapy?
A: It had too many “gobble”-ems!

Q: What do you call a turkey that can play a musical instrument?
A: A “turkey-tainer”!

Q: Why did the turkey become a famous actor?
A: Because it had “drumstick-tion”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that’s always on time?
A: “Punctual-try”!

Serving Up Slices of Seasonal Silliness 🥧🤣
Serve up slices of seasonal silliness with pumpkin pie puns and playful banter. Your lighthearted approach to dessert, like a dollop of whipped cream on top, will sweeten the holiday festivities and leave everyone smiling.

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite game to play?
A: “Cluck-cluck, who’s there?” (like “Knock-knock”!)

Q: Why was the turkey always invited to parties?
A: Because it was so “drumstick-sociable”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that loves the beach?
A: A “shore” thing!

Q: Why did the turkey bring a ladder to the bar?
A: Because it wanted to be a little “elevated”!

Q: What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
A: A “flat miner”!

Q: How do you make a turkey laugh?
A: You tell it a “gobble-ious” joke!

Got A Thanksgiving Pun? Drop Your Comments! Especially Like This 🤣
Q: What do you call a turkey that’s good at math?
A: A “calcu-later”!

Q: Why did the turkey break up with the musician?
A: They had too many “beak”-ups!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of music?
A: “Rock” and roll, of course!

Q: How do you know when a turkey is happy?
A: It’s “gobbling” with joy!

Q: What do you call a turkey that tells jokes?
A: A “witty” fowl!

Q: Why don’t turkeys ever go to the doctor?
A: Because they’re always “healthy” as a turkey!

Q: How do you make a turkey laugh?
A: You tickle its “funny bone”!

Q: What do you call a turkey that loves to read?
A: A “bookish” turkey!

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite type of movie?
A: Turkey, starring in its own “gobble-ious” adventure!

Q: Why was the turkey so good at making decisions?
A: Because it had “drumstick-sion”!

Delving into the world of “Thanksgiving Puns” has been a feast for the funny bone! Did these puns carve out a smile or make you gobble with laughter?

Your thoughts are like the gravy that completes the meal—please share them with us! 🦃

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