101+ Infidelity Statuses Ideas for WhatsApp That You Love

If someone cheated you and you want to share your emotions and feelings with others, these WhatsApp statuses on infidelity will help you express your feelings, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts in words.

Best WhatsApp Statuses On Infidelity 

-Be careful who you give your heart to. 

-Never deceive a girl, you never know what she paid to be with you. 

-No woman will fall in love with a liar without paying for him. 

-To deceive others is a choice, not a mistake. 

-Don’t deceive your girlfriend bitch, you are a man, not a dog. 

-Everything that is worth having is worth betraying. 

-It seems normal for a woman to find out that her husband is cheating on her, but this is not the case when you are a woman and her husband. 

-She was deceived by love. However, she still decided to smile and watch him happy. 

-A promise means everything, but I am sorry if it is broken, it has no meaning. 

-Never argue with anyone who believes in your lies. 

-Apart from hurting my family, the worst thing you can do is to deceive me. 

– Infidelity is a choice, not a mistake. 

-A cheater is always a repeat customer. 

-People always deceive me, because I love them with my whole heart. 

-Deception and lying are not struggles, but the cause of destruction. 

-Relationship is not a test. Then why cheat? 

-I can’t deal with someone who wants to reverse the relationship, needs space, or deceive you. 

-There is no excuse for cheating in a relationship. 

-I try to stay together, you are busy keeping a secret. 

-The relationship is between two people, but some bitches are not counted. 

-I want to stick together, you are busy keeping a secret. 

-If she is cheating, please say goodbye to her. 

-Everything that is worth having is worth betraying. 

-I gave my heart to someone who loves me. He wanted to be with me, but he was afraid of everything I gave him. 

-It is better to be alone than to be deceived, betrayed, or disrespected. 

-Be careful who your heart gives. 

-Cheating is never the norm, there is no excuse, just don’t do it. 

-People cannot live without deception. This is their nature. 

-Now let me leave your sight, because you are a liar, you have chosen your path. 

-It is better to be alone than to be deceived, betrayed, or disrespected. 

-Infidelity is easy, but it is impossible to look back. 

-The liar will thrive until there is enough dissatisfaction to ensure that they are unsuccessful. 

-I don’t understand why people cheat, and if they are unhappy, they leave. 

-It is better to be fooled from time to time than to constantly doubt. 

-Don’t apologize, then say it again. 

-You can betray your life, but you can never betray your love. 

-Don’t apologize and say it again. 

-Of course, this pleasure is as great as being deceived. 

-You not only betrayed me; you deceived us, you not only broke my heart, but also ruined our future. 

-The worst part is cheating. 

-The liar will thrive until there is enough dissatisfaction to ensure that they are unsuccessful. 

-Don’t leave the girl you want for the girl you want. 

-When a person cheats, they say he is a dog. They say that if a woman cheats, it is because her husband is a dog. 

-The lie to save the family is not a lie. It only takes a kind heart to turn a lie into truth. 

– Infidelity is easy. Try bigger things, such as loyalty.

Express Yourself By Posting These Whatsapp Statuses On Infidelity

-I am a good person who can forgive you, but I am not stupid enough to trust you again. 

-Almost all women will have scars, as well as deep loss and pain due to betrayal. 

-A relationship is neither approved nor failed, so there is no need to deceive. 

-Don’t be fooled, you shouldn’t have it if you don’t feel it. 

-I miss him, I miss who he thinks he is. 

-The liar will thrive until there is enough dissatisfaction to ensure that they will not succeed. 

-Even terrorists are better than you. At least they are loyal to the group they choose. 

-Facebook is like a relationship, faithful to your wall, but cheating in your inbox. 

-Because there are no bad guys who look like they have won. 

-When a person cheats, they say he is a dog. They say that if a woman cheats, it is because her husband is a dog. 

-A liar is always a repeat customer. 

-People who don’t protect anything, either fall in love with love or fall in love with money. 

-Everything that is worth having is worth betraying.

Be careful who you give your heart to. 

-It is better to be alone than to be deceived, betrayed, or disrespected. 

-Treason is my feeling. My heart is broken not only by the person I am crazy, but also by the person I once thought to be a true friend. 

-Perhaps a poor person who behaves upright is better than a person who is distorted or even stupid. 

-It is better to be fooled from time to time than to constantly doubt. 

-Change a good woman, fate will definitely get the bitch you deserve. 

-Liars don’t think cheating is a bad thing, as long as they don’t cheat. 

-Cheating and lying are not arguments, but reasons for interruption. 

-Infidelity is a choice, not a mistake. 

-Infidelity is the most distasteful thing one can do to another. If you are not satisfied with a relationship, end it before starting a new relationship. 

-Cheating is not always related to kissing, touching, or flirting. 

-If you need to delete text messages so that your partner cannot see them, then you are there. 

-The girl’s betrayal is deeper than people think; it will destroy your perception of love, your future relationships, and your inner peace. 

-To deceive a good person is like throwing a diamond to pick up a stone. 

-The liar will thrive until there is enough dissatisfaction to ensure that they will not succeed. 

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